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Studying the intersection of technology and religion is vital in understanding how technological advancements shape religious and spiritual experiences, beliefs, and practices. For instance, the printing press was a driver behind the Protestant Reformations. Religion, culture & society offer unique insights into how various faiths interpret and integrate technology, influencing societal norms and personal beliefs.

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In an increasingly interconnected world, understanding globalization through the lens of religion is crucial for grasping its cultural and ethical implications. Religion, culture & society provide a deep dive into how different cultures adapt and respond to global influences, fostering a diverse, complicated, yet unified world. 

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Exploring identity within the context of religion is essential to comprehend the profound impact faith has on personal and communal identities. For instance, we explore the role of “identifiers” like race, gender, and geography on different religions, and we also use what we know about religion to explore topics such as race, gender, geography, sexual identity, and more. Our department offers insights into how religious beliefs and practices contribute to the formation of individual and collective identities.

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The study of conflict through religious perspectives is crucial for understanding some of the deep-rooted tensions and resolutions in human history. Through religion, culture & society, we gain valuable knowledge about the role of religious beliefs and cultural traditions in conflicts and peace-making processes.

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The role of religion in shaping ethics is fundamental to understanding moral frameworks across cultures. Moreover, cultural expectations about what we do, think, and how we exist are foundational for religion, culture, and society. Our department explores how religious traditions inform ethical decisions and behaviors, providing a rich context for moral reasoning.

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Studying environmental issues through the prism of religion is essential in today’s world, where ecological concerns are increasingly prominent. Religion, culture & society offer perspectives on how different traditions view and interact with the environment, impacting conservation and sustainability efforts.

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Understanding transformation in religious contexts is key to comprehending personal and societal changes. Our curriculum explores how religious beliefs and practices act as catalysts for transformation in individuals and communities, leading societies in both positive and dangerous directions. We invite you to explore these transformative processes and their profound impacts with us.

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The department has long reminded students that “the past is present in the study of religion.” In many ways, the study of religions is always the study of history. Particularly, the study of religion's role in history is fundamental to understanding the evolution of societies and cultures. Through religion, culture & society, we gain insight into how different beliefs and practices have shaped historical events, ideologies, and cultural developments.

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